Thursday, March 24, 2011

Radiation from Japan Is It A Threat to Coloradans?

Last night I called a friend of mine who lives in Southern California near Los Angeles. He is an environmental biochemical engineer and runs a lab that studies the impact of pollutants in our environment that could affect our health. I was curious to know his thoughts about the recent news stories of radiation from Japan being detected in California. I will share with you his thoughts but lets take a look at what news reporters are saying about the subject.

There are hundreds of stories on this subject, but I will highlight just two. Original articles can be found here:
The Denver
International Business Times

The article from the International Business Times states that the EPA has a national data base that lets you know the radiation levels of any given state. I checked it out and it really is full of useful information about the environment such as pollution elements, water quality, etc.

The article stated that it had been forecast by the United Nations that this radioactive plume from the crippled Fukushima reactors would bring in radiation. However, even though the levels are too low to cause any harm or pose a danger there are still residents in Southern California that are in a panic. They are turning to potassium iodide pills, an anti-radiation drug used to prevent radioactive iodine from causing thyroid cancer. The EPA has stated that "The radiation levels detected on the filters from California and Washington monitors are hundreds of thousands to millions of times below levels of concern."

The Denver Channel article reassures Coloradoans that the levels of radiation found are so minuscule in light of the fact that we receive more radiation from things like the sun, bricks and rocks. We actually receive 100,000 times higher doses of radiation from the items listed above than from what is coming to us from Japan according to the EPA. So there is no need for Colorado residents to take the anti-radiation drug for radiation coming from Japan. In all actuality it has already passed us and is now on the East Coast probably over the Atlantic Ocean. Plus taking potassium iodide pills without needing to can cause uncomfortable side effects. The Denver Channel article is very interesting, is definitely worth reading in its entirety. Here's the link: These were both great articles and offer a lot of solid facts.

So in summary, if you are concerned about the radiation levels in Colorado, your county or your backyard visit The website will break down environmental concerns for you and hopefully ease your mind. As to what my friend's comments were; he stated the facts that you have heard through these articles. There is nothing to worry about! Sometimes you have to wonder if the media builds this up to make something out of nothing? Something to think about!

HP Staff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog with lots of helpful information!