Tuesday, March 8, 2011

4 Empowering Reasons for Consistent Exercise

Seniors may find that regular physical activity is worth its merit. It could nip pain in the bud, improve your mood, help with weight loss, prevent disease and even foster improved sleep. Do you need more encouragement? Read on about 4 ideas to help you gain momentum.

Mood Improvement –

Do you have stress during your day? Try a brief but vigorous walk-even if it is brisk outside. This kindles a chemical activity in the brain. It may leave you feeling and looking a lot better. If done regularly, it may prevent depression and boost confidence.

Weight Management-

Do you want to shed some body weight? Set aside a small portion of your day to exchange some idle time for exercise. Some simple ideas to control weight include taking the stairs instead of an elevator or turning off the T.V. and going for a walk. It could boost your energy and circulation levels for things you enjoy -such as ball room dancing!

Fight Chronic Disease-

Exercise helps prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. It benefits your cholesterol levels by lowering plaque buildup in arteries. Physical activity also improves high-density lipoprotein (HDL), “good” cholesterol while reducing triglycerides. Additionally, it could help you avert type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and cancer.

Better Sleep-

Whether you exercise for a better mood, weight management, to avoid chronic disease or for better sleep, the secret is to just get out there and do it! You could put it off, but after all, there is no substitute for getting consistent exercise, learning for yourself the benefits or gaining your own experience.

By Cynthia
HP Volunteer

Sources: www.mayoclinic.com

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