Monday, March 7, 2011

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month. I decided to do a little investigating to find out what some recommended nutritional standards are out there for adults over 50. I found a great website that gave me all of this information. It is I hope after this article you will check out their website to learn more about nutritional eating.

Adults over 50 have some special nutrient needs. Calcium and Vitamin D are important in maintaining bone health. Having three servings are recommended. You do not have to just drink milk to get your servings of calcium and vitamin D either. You can enjoy fortified cereals and fruit juices, canned fish with soft bones, and dark green leafy vegetables. Vitamin B12 is another important nutrient for adults over 50. Good sources of vitamin B12 include lean meat, some fish and seafood, and fortified cereal. Asking your doctor for suggestions on a supplement is also an option. Knowing which fats you are consuming is also important. You want to choose foods with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats to help reduce your risk of heart disease. Eating food with more potassium and reducing sodium(salt) intake will lower your risk of high blood pressure. Some examples of potassium rich foods include fruits, vegetables and low-fat or fat-free milk and yogurt. Last but not least, adults over the age of 50 should consume more fiber. This has many benefits such as lowering your risk for heart disease, controling your weight, preventing type2 diabetes, and keeping you regular. Despite our age we all need to remember to eat the right things and stay physically fit.

Men and women over 50 also have specific needs for nutrition. Men need to follow a healthy diet and watch their calorie intake. A man who is over 50 and not active should consume 2,000 calories. While a man who is moderately active over 50 should consume 2,000-2,400 calories. An active man can consume 2,400-2,800 calories. Women over 50 need to recognize that while their appetite will decrease they need to add quality to the calories they do consume. This includes focusing on nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D for strong bones, zinc for good vision and vitamin B12. Also women in the this age bracket do not feel thirsty even though they are becoming dehydrated. Its important for women over 50 to drink water or 100% fruit juice all through out the day. Women over 50 who are not active should consume about 1,600 calories. A woman who is moderately active should consume about 1,800 calories. Active women can consume 2,000-2,200 calories. While men and women are different in a few of their dietary needs everyone needs to remember to eat a balanced diet and everything in moderation.

So get out there and eat your fruits and veggies, drink your milk, eat lean meat and whole grains!

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