Tuesday, March 22, 2011

National Poison Prevention Week

March 20-26, 2011
In the year 1961, Congress saw the need to raise awareness, promote poison prevention, and reduce accidental poisonings. This week is sponsored by the National Poison Prevention Week Council. Poison centers from across the country host activities. The national council sponsors a children's artwork contest to raise awareness through their eyes about poisons.
As adults we need to be aware of how easily we can poison ourselves unintentionally. This occurs when we mix prescription drugs with over-the-counter drugs. To prevent any accidental poisoning make sure to take the list of medications you are taking as well as any supplements or over-the-counter medications to your doctor or pharmacist at least once a year. Make sure to educate yourself on the ingredients, directions, and drug interactions to look out for while taking any medication. Its also important to get rid of medicines that have expired or are no longer needed. Contact the Denver Poison Control Center for places to safely dispose of these medications.
If you are a parent or a grandparent when children come to visit we need to look at our homes through younger eyes. Here are some tips to keep those kiddos safe. Keep all medicines and household cleaning products out of reach. If possible lock them up. Avoid taking medicine in front of young children because they want to mimic us. Give infants and children only medicines that are safe for their age and weight. If you aren't sure of the dose call a pharmacist or the child's doctor. Remember that even if it states child proof it won't keep them all from opening those containers! Always tell children it is medicine and NOT candy. Make sure you know what type of plants we have in our homes and keep poisonous plants out of reach of children. The local Rocky Mountain Poison Control Center had about 55,000 calls last year regarding children under the age of 5 being exposed to poison. Its a big job for all of us to keep those little ones safe.
National Poison Prevention Week is important to our health and wellness. I hope you learned something new and will be more aware of the dangers of poisons.
If you suspect someone was been poisoned called 1-800-222-1222.
Robin Wilkerson
HP Staff
Source: http://poisonhelp.hrsa.gov

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