Thursday, October 13, 2011

Shingles vacine for you

Shingles vaccination 1-3 people will develop Shingles in their liketime; a condition that can be relatively mild but that can led to a painful condition called post-herpetic neuralgia.
Those at risk are anyone who has had chicken pox, older individuals (50 and older,) a weakened immune system,trauma or stress and if receiving treatment for Cancer or HIV.
Shingles symptoms are pain, a rash (a cluster of clear blisters) on one side of the body, and sometimes an intense itching in affected area.
People 50 years and older should receive a vaccine called Zostavax and reduce their chances of developing this ailment, as it can recur again and again.
Many pharmacies in the area such as Walgrens and Safeway are giving the vaccine. Most insurances are accepted, but it is always a good idea to check with your insurance first.

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