Thursday, October 27, 2011

Are You Indulging in the "Terrible 10"

Americans aren't known for their healthy eating. Watchdog group put together a list of the 10 worst foods and things that affect food that Americans indulge in. Did your behavior make the list?

Let's find out:

1) Coca-Cola
2) McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Coke, and Fries
3) Salt
4) Feedlot Beef
5) Kellogg's Fruit Loops
6) Jack DeCoster's Egg Farms
7) Powerful Lobbying Groups-finding ways around providing proper nutritional labeling, standards, etc.
8) Ethanol Subsidies-Using corn for gasoline makes corn containing food products more expensive
9) White Flour
10) Vending Machines

Many of these things present opportunities to make poor choices. Take vending machines for example: the majority is filled with sugary soda or candy. Next time, think ahead. If you will be in a position that you might turn to a bag of chips for an afernoon snack, bring an apple instead. Even as far as stopping for fast food. Do the same and plan ahead! Bringing your own lunch to work or buying ingredients for a healthy dinner will help you avoid making that fattening stop along the way. Those options give you something beautiful: ControlBold

Next, cut back on the salt. Americans are too comfortable with shaking on some more of that sodium filled ingredient on to, well, anything. Check food labels to notice how much sodium is in that favorite soup of yours. Being aware of how much you are consuming and how much you're adding might change your mind about adding those few extra sprinkles.

Finally, be wary of dyes added to foods-mostly cereals and candy. These unnatural ways of making food look 'pretty' are bad for you and your kids. Not to mention, these foods are usually packed full of sugar.

Source: and CPSI

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