Friday, April 15, 2011

What is plant pruning?

Now that the spring season is here, good pruning at the right time could enhance the beauty of flowers, provide a greater quantity of vegetables from a garden or improve attractiveness of a landscape. Pruning, which may have numerous definitions, essentially involves removing plant parts to improve the health, landscape effect, or value of a plant.

Once your objectives are determined and a few basic principles are understood, pruning primarily is a matter of common sense. As soon as a gardener gets familiar with the task, they could discover quick ways to supply additional growing energy to their plants. The return is the development of flowers, fruits or robust limbs that remain evident. In nature plants may be without pruning at all. But it takes some planning, skill and knowledge of certain plants to determine if it is appropriate.

Colorado State University Extension programs offer free plant information. They are prepared to help with individual gardening questions. See this link for help via phone, Prospective gardeners can even ask them for a supply of free plant care fact sheets- similar to the ones provided when trees or shrubs are purchased at a garden center.

So if you get a desire to experience some great gardening or if you think your plants could be more robust from pruning. Go to to view gardening fact sheets on the web. Happy Gardening!

By Cynthia

HP Volunteer


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