Thursday, April 28, 2011

ReConnect Leadership Project

In keeping with Centura Health's strategic 2020 vision which includes moving upstream in its approach to care you will find the ReConnect Leadership Project. Centura Health is the largest health care system in the state of Colorado. This project was developed to offer patients education on how to manage their health care during the transition from the hospital to home. The goals of this project are to decrease hospital re admissions, improve patient satisfaction, decrease emergency room visits and keep the primary care provider the center of patient care.

"Our ReConnect Leaders play a critical role as ambassadors in personalizing the hospital experience for many older patients," said Jane Barnes, government affairs advocate at Centura Health. "We are encouraged by the success of the program, especially in the areas of patient advocacy, transition coaching, and communication. It's a win-win for our volunteers who are able to apply skills and knowledge to assist patients; and for our patients who are able to understand their medical information to independently manage their health needs."

Who are these leaders you may be asking? ReConnect leaders are volunteers who are in a valuable role to help the health care team to improve the quality of a patent's hospital experience. They provide the "next level of care" so important to patients and their families in the following areas:

  • Patient advocacy while in hospital including discharge communication and consistency of information for the patient

  • Transition coach-transition to home

  • Family, patient, physician communication

  • Chronic disease education

ReConnect leaders go through 3 days of training or 30 hours of training. This is an excellent chance to connect to the community in a fulfilling way and add to your resume. If you are interested in becoming a ReConnect leader, please contact David Kaye. 303-629-4913


HP Staff

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April is Donate Life Month

When you renew your driver's license if you haven't done so already you have the opportunity to designate on your license that you would like to be an organ and tissue donor.

This is beneficial to not only to the over 1, 800 from Colorado and Wyoming but will benefit the advancements of Science as well. One donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation. Over 100 lives can be helped or saved through tissue donation. Many lives can be touched by one person's decision to become a registered donor.

To find out more about becoming a registered donor in the state of Colorado you can go to the Donate Life Colorado site a t

On a personal note the father of my 3 little boys is listed as a waiting recipient. He has been on the list for a year. When you register as a donor, you never know whose life you could be saving.

HP Staff member

Friday, April 15, 2011

What is plant pruning?

Now that the spring season is here, good pruning at the right time could enhance the beauty of flowers, provide a greater quantity of vegetables from a garden or improve attractiveness of a landscape. Pruning, which may have numerous definitions, essentially involves removing plant parts to improve the health, landscape effect, or value of a plant.

Once your objectives are determined and a few basic principles are understood, pruning primarily is a matter of common sense. As soon as a gardener gets familiar with the task, they could discover quick ways to supply additional growing energy to their plants. The return is the development of flowers, fruits or robust limbs that remain evident. In nature plants may be without pruning at all. But it takes some planning, skill and knowledge of certain plants to determine if it is appropriate.

Colorado State University Extension programs offer free plant information. They are prepared to help with individual gardening questions. See this link for help via phone, Prospective gardeners can even ask them for a supply of free plant care fact sheets- similar to the ones provided when trees or shrubs are purchased at a garden center.

So if you get a desire to experience some great gardening or if you think your plants could be more robust from pruning. Go to to view gardening fact sheets on the web. Happy Gardening!

By Cynthia

HP Volunteer


Friday, April 8, 2011

Who Invented Wireless Technology?

Wireless communication was originally invented when Alexander Graham Bell and Charles Summer Tainter sought patents for their idea in 1888. The invention was known as the photo phone and was the early precursor to the telephone. Eventually, it didn't have any use, because electricity and its equipment didn't exist. A man named Heinrich Hertz established the ability to do electromagnetic waves in 1889, which was previously just a theory. After rigorous testing of sound waves, a significant standard developed for wireless communication. He could create sound, then demonstrate that the electromagnetic waves could be transmitted and travel through air space in straight lines. The waves were then caught by the receiver at the other end.

Nevertheless, it was in 1891, Nikola Tesla, a gadget maker, who made the firs discovery of the first wireless radio communication and radio remote control technology. According to the; the Tesla coil which he invented is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. Afterward, in 1895, Jagdish Chandra Bose created the early wireless detection device, and was recognized as the man of the time with the spectrum of knowledge for wireless communication.

Doctor Martin Cooper invented the cell phone. His expertise is responsible for the discovery fo technology for the modern cell phone. He produced it when he was the Director of Research and Development at Mortorola. Dr. Martin Cooper is also known as the first person to make a call on a cell phone. His revolutionary call took place in April of 1973, in New York. He is currently the CEO of an antenna corporation of electromagnetic waves.

Now, of course, there is abundant wireless communication innovation. That includes a series of other technology that are far apart from the wireless telegraphy. They are now the cellular phone networks and colossal wireless broadband telephony and internet. Modern marvels now include many practical uses for wireless communication technology, for example; in security systems, where the access can be controlled through wireless technologies. It is amazing how we now have HGTV and internet music systems that use remote control devices to access wireless technology.

Written by,
HP Volunteer
