Friday, April 3, 2009

Springtime Tips for Frugal Entertainment

·Cancel magazine subscriptions.
·Use the library for books, magazines, and movies. See if you can reserve them online and then just pick them up.
·Read newspapers online.
·Celebrate “no spend” weekends, where you don’t spend anything.
·Prepare special dinners at home, rather than going out to celebrate.
·Eat out only once a month.
·Use hotel points and airline miles for vacation.
·Split an entree with someone else when you go out for dinner.
·Do free things for entertainment: Hiking, free city concerts, board games.
·Only order from the dollar menu when eating out.
·Go to the park and have a picnic.
·Take advantage of “get in free” days at the museum, etc.
Read more: Frugal Tips to Survive a Recession -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite "FREE" entertainment evenings is looking at old pictures and laughing-good for the soul!