Friday, February 4, 2011

National Wear Red Day

National Wear Red Day
February 4, 2011

I knew this day was approaching. I knew I was called upon to wear red in support of heart health. I did my part and now I want to know how did this all get started and what is the purpose of this day? Here's what I found out.....

I went to this website sponsored by the American Heart Association. You can visit them too: I learned that the Go Red for Women campaign started in 2004 due to alarming statistics that the leading cause of death for women over the age of 20 was heart disease. Heart disease was once thought to be just something that struck men. The startling statics told otherwise. It is the goal of the Go Red for Women campaign to educate as many woman as possible about the risk factors and empower them to take charge of their health.

Cardiovascular disease has factors that can be detected early, prevented or minimized. Knowledge is the key to helping prevent a heart attack or stroke. Some important things you can do today is quit smoking, exercise regularly, see your doctor for those regular check ups, lose weight(if you are overweight), and reduce stress. You can assess your risk factors using this link: Your doctor can help you find resources to help you if you are need of help. You can also check out the Health Passport website for our Heart Health Fair coming up. We also have walking groups and excercise classes.

Now you know what this great day is all about. Get out there and spread the word! And go ahead wear red today! Wear it for all the ladies you love in your life!

Written by,
Robin Wilkerson
Health Passport Team

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