Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Wednesday Scoop!

Each Wednesday we highlight classes for YOU coming up at Health Passport. Here's this week's SCOOP!

The New St. Anthony Hospital
Director of SAC Facilities Management will present a look at the new hospital. Learn it's current stage of construction and the new & exciting future of our hospital.
Tuesday, January 19th 1:30 - 3:00 PM
Colorado Mills Mall, Space 134
No Fee
Reservations required, please email or call 303-629-4921

Reflexology 101
These ancient healing techniques promote relaxation, improve your circulation, and are profoundly relaxing. These techniques are also highly effective for stress and pain management.
Wednesday, January 20th 3:30 - 5:00 PM
Colorado Mills Mall, Space 134
No Fee
Reservations required, please email or call 303-629-4921

Empty Those Closets! Selling on the Web
Ready for some premature spring cleaning? Your treasure might find its new home thousands of miles away! Get the details from our Ebay and Craigslist power seller. A two session, hands-on class.
Wednesdays, January 20th & 27th 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Kuhlman Building Computer Lab
Fee: $20
Reservations required, please email or call 303-629-4921

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