Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Surviving A Winter Storm

To survive a snow or ice storm, follow these safety tips from Extreme Cold: A prevention guide to promote your personal health and safety, a publication of CDC's National Center for Environmental Health (see "Safety Resources" for more information about this booklet).
Be prepared. Before cold weather hits, make sure you have a way to heat your home during a power failure. Keep a multipurpose, dry-chemical fire extinguisher nearby when using alternative heating sources.
Keep on hand extra blankets, flashlights with extra batteries, matches, a first aid kit, manual can opener, snow shovel and rock salt, and special needs items (e.g., diapers).
Stock a few days' supply of water, required medications, and food that does not need to be refrigerated or cooked.
Monitor the temperature of your home. Infants and persons over age 65 are especially susceptible to cold. If it's not possible to keep your home warm, stay with friends or family or in a shelter.
Dress in several layers to maintain body heat. Covering up with blankets can also conserve heat.

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