Thursday, December 10, 2009

Announcement: Class Schedule & Newsletter Release!

A gift to you for the holidays: our Health Passport January-March 2010 course schedule has arrived!

Not only that, but our always-informative Newsletter is here, with quality articles pertaining to your health & wellness.

Well, what are you waiting for? Check them out now!

January - March 2010 Course Schedule

Fall 2009 Newsletter

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Health Passport - Careers

December 10, 2009
Class Title: Career Camp
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Activities @ Spirit of Christ Catholic Church

December 8, 2009
Classs Title: Ancient Middle East
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am

Activities @ Our Saviour's Church

December 3, 2009
Class Title: Coventry Cathedral & Warwick Castle
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm

December 10, 2009
Class Title: Censorship - Can You Tell?
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm

December 17, 2009
Class Title: Colorado Christmas
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Activities @ Lakewood Cultural Center

December 8, 2009
Class Title: Prehistoric Lakewood
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 pm

December 15, 2009
Class Title: A Classic Christmas
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Health Passport - Excursions

December 6, 2009
Class Title: Christmas Concert with Silver Cornet Band
Time: 3:00 - 6:00 pm

December 9, 2009
Class Title: National Renewable Energy Lab
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 pm

December 18, 2009
Class Title: Friday Lunch Group
Time: 11:30 am

December 25, 2009
Class Title: Holiday Lunch Group
Time: 1:00 pm

Activities @ Colorado Mills Mall

December 3, 2009
Class Title: Clutter Control - Is It Possible? Declutter for 2010
Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

December 7, 2009
Class Title: Japanese Surrender: September 2, 1945
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

December 12, 2009
Class Title: Health Passport Gingerbread House Workshop
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

December 17, 2009
Class Title: Be Healthy, Be Happy - "Portion Distortion"
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 am

Walking In A Winter Wonderland

Walking in icy, snowy weather can be dangerous, but these tips from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration can help make your trek safer.
Dress in layers and wear boots with nonskid soles. Wear a bright scarf or hat or reflective gear so drivers can see you.
Walk on sidewalks if possible. If sidewalks are covered in snow and ice and you must walk in the street, walk against the flow of traffic and as close to the curb as you can.
Don't wear a hat or scarf that blocks your vision or makes it hard for you to hear traffic.
When traveling with babies or small children, dress them in bright or reflective clothing. Always keep children--whether in a stroller or on foot--in front of you and as close to the curb as possible.
Before you step off the curb, make sure oncoming cars and trucks have come to a complete stop.

Driving Safely In Winter Weather

Snow, ice, and extreme cold can make driving treacherous. These safety tips from CDC, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the National Safety Council can help make winter car travel safer.
Before winter arrives, have your car tuned up, check the level of antifreeze, make sure the battery is good, and check your tire tread or put on snow tires.
Keep emergency gear in your car for everyday trips:
cell phone
jumper cables
sand or kitty litter (for traction)
ice scraper, snow brush, and small shovel
warning devices (e.g., flares, reflectors)
For long car trips, keep food, water, extra blankets, and required medication on hand.
Avoid driving in snow or ice storms. If you must travel in bad weather, drive slowly. Let someone know what route you're taking and when you plan to arrive so they can alert authorities if you don't get there.
If your car is parked outside, make sure the exhaust pipe and the area around it are free of snow before you start the car. Snow packed in or around the exhaust pipe can cause high levels of carbon monoxide in the car.
Don't sit in a parked car with the engine running unless a window is open. Do not let your car run while parked in a garage.
If your car stalls or gets stuck in snow, light two flares and place one at each end of the car, a safe distance away. Make sure snow has not blocked the exhaust pipe. Then stay in your vehicle and open a window slightly to let in fresh air. Wrap yourself in blankets and run your vehicle's heater for a few minutes every hour to keep warm.

Clearing Snow And Ice

Clearing snow and ice from driveways and sidewalks is hard work. To prevent injuries, follow these safety tips from the National Safety Council, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and other prevention organizations.
Dress warmly, paying special attention to feet, hands, nose, and ears.
Avoid shoveling snow if you are out of shape. If you have a history of heart trouble, do not shovel snow unless your doctor says it's okay.
Do light warm-up exercises before shoveling and take frequent breaks.
If possible, push snow in front of you. If you have to lift it, pick up small amounts and lift with your legs, not your back. Do not toss snow over your shoulder or to the side.
Don't drink alcohol before or while shoveling snow. Never smoke while shoveling.
Use rock salt or de-icing compounds to remove ice from steps, walkways, and sidewalks. Sand placed on walkways may also help prevent slipping.
If you use a snow blower (also called a snow thrower), follow these safety guidelines:
Read the owner's manual before starting your snow blower. Make sure you understand all the recommended safety steps.
Make sure all people and pets are out of the way before you begin.
Do not put your hand in the snow blower to remove impacted snow or debris. Turn the machine off and wait a few seconds. Then use a stick or broom handle to remove the material.
Do not leave the snow blower unattended when it is running.
Fill up with fuel before you start, when the engine is cool.

Surviving A Winter Storm

To survive a snow or ice storm, follow these safety tips from Extreme Cold: A prevention guide to promote your personal health and safety, a publication of CDC's National Center for Environmental Health (see "Safety Resources" for more information about this booklet).
Be prepared. Before cold weather hits, make sure you have a way to heat your home during a power failure. Keep a multipurpose, dry-chemical fire extinguisher nearby when using alternative heating sources.
Keep on hand extra blankets, flashlights with extra batteries, matches, a first aid kit, manual can opener, snow shovel and rock salt, and special needs items (e.g., diapers).
Stock a few days' supply of water, required medications, and food that does not need to be refrigerated or cooked.
Monitor the temperature of your home. Infants and persons over age 65 are especially susceptible to cold. If it's not possible to keep your home warm, stay with friends or family or in a shelter.
Dress in several layers to maintain body heat. Covering up with blankets can also conserve heat.

Keeping Your Home Safe and Warm

Follow these safety tips from CDC, the National Fire Protection Association, and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to prevent injuries and deaths related to heating your home.
Install a smoke alarm near bedrooms and on each floor of your home. Test it monthly. If it has a 9-volt battery, change the battery once a year.
Install a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm near bedrooms and on each floor of your home. If your alarm sounds, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission suggests that you press the reset button, call emergency services (911 or your local fire department), and immediately move to fresh air (either outdoors or near an open door or window). Know the symptoms of CO poisoning: headache, fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath. If you experience any of these symptoms, get fresh air right away and contact a doctor for proper diagnosis.
Make sure heating equipment is installed properly. Have a trained specialist inspect and tune up your heating system each year.
Keep portable space heaters at least 3 feet from anything that can burn, including bedding, furniture, and clothing. Never drape clothing over a space heater to dry.
Keep children and pets away from space heaters. Never leave children in a room alone when a space heater is in use.
If you use a kerosene heater, use only the fuel recommended by the manufacturer. Never put gasoline in a kerosene heater--it could explode. Before you refuel the heater, turn it off and let it cool down. Refuel outside only.
When using a kerosene heater, keep a door open to the rest of the house or open a window slightly. This will reduce the chance of carbon monoxide build-up in the room.
Have your fireplace chimney and flue inspected each year and cleaned if needed. Open the flue and use a sturdy fireplace screen when you have a fire. Burn only untreated wood; never burn paper or pine branches--pieces can float out the chimney and ignite your roof, a neighbor's roof, or nearby trees.
If you use a wood-burning stove, have the chimney connection and flue checked each year. Make sure the stove is placed on an approved stove board to protect the floor from heat and coals.
Never use your range or oven to heat your home, even for a short time.