Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Medicare Changes Policies on Home-Oxygen Therapy

Healthcare was one of the biggest issues in last year’s presidential election, and over the past several months, it has become evident that the candidates’ calls for reform were more than just campaign rhetoric. Central to the government’s already-established health care system, it’s no surprise that Medicare has been the focus of many of these discussions.

One crucial issue affecting many Medicare patients is the system’s new policies regarding home-oxygen therapy. The Wall Street Journal reported on this set of complex rules this morning. Under the new regulations, which took effect on January 1, Medicare will subsidize 80% of the cost home-oxygen therapy for 36 months, at which time, payments to equipment providers are reduced to minimal amounts that cover occasional follow-up visits. Medicare continues this level of support for the next 24 months, at which time the patient is eligible to seek new equipment.

Suppliers have responded negatively to this change in policy, making it difficult for patients to change providers and seek new equipment. Home-oxygen therapy patients should be sure to understand the new policies before changing equipment providers, so that they can take advantage of all available Medicare benefits.

For more information, please see the article in full at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124511204251317173.html

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