Friday, January 4, 2013

January Journey

Dear Health Passport Member,

We are no longer sending our printed Journey Catalog through the mail. The class listings will be available exclusively online.  We hope that you'll find this new Journey format easier to use, not to mention better for the environment.  Each month we will highlight classes that may be of interest to you but you can always visit for a complete list of upcoming classes. See the full calendar of January classes or you can also use the search tool to search by class, category or location.  Publishing a monthly calendar will allow us to stay current with health trends and the needs of our members.  

Have you thought about how you want to make 2013 a memorable and meaningful year?  How about volunteering with Health Passport?  We need you!  Opportunities include customer service, general clerical work, marketing outreach and a health coach.  Call 720-321-8940 for more information.

Registration is required for most classes—please use the online registration option in the online listings or call Health Passport at 720-321-8940 to register. Credit card payment is accepted. *If you register online for a class that involves a fee, we will contact you to process your class payment.

Thank you for being a part of our program and we look forward to connecting with you soon. Connect with us via Twitter and Facebook.

Best wishes for the New Year!

St. Anthony Hospitals Health Passport Staff