Friday, May 18, 2012

Medicare Fraud

What is Medicare Fraud?

Most doctors, health care providers, suppliers, and private companies who work with Medicare are honest. However, there are a few who are not. The Medicare Program is prioritizing efforts to find and prevent fraud and abuse by working closely with health care providers and strengthening oversight.

Fraud costs the Medicare Program millions of dollars every year, and you end up paying for fraud with higher health care costs. Fraud schemes may be carried out by individuals, companies, or groups of individuals.

The following are examples of possible Medicare fraud:

• A health care provider bills Medicare for services you never received.

• A supplier bills Medicare for equipment you never got.

• Someone uses another person’s Medicare card to get medical care, supplies, or equipment.

• Someone bills Medicare for home medical equipment after it has been returned.

• A company offers a Medicare drug plan that has not been approved by Medicare.

• A company uses false information to mislead you into joining a Medicare plan.

Medicare fraud affects every American. Waste, fraud and abuse take critical resources out of our health care system, and contribute to the rising cost of health care for all Americans.

Eliminating fraud will cut costs for families, businesses and the federal government and increase the quality of services for those who need care.

Learn more about spotting Medicare Fraud at one of our informational session:

Tuesday, June 12th

1:30-2:30 PM

Edgewater Rec Center

5845 W. 25th Ave. Edgewater, CO 80214

Call to pre-register at 720.321.8940
