Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Emergency kit for Seniors

Winter is upon us and snows have already adorned our yards and roads. Its time to get together an emergency kit for car. Who knows when your going to need it! Colorado is a state where you can walk into a mall with the sun shining , do a little shopping and walk out to a blizzard. So plan ahead as hypothermia can strike the elderly quickly it is important to have adequate provisions for your safety in case you are stranded.

Here are some suggestions for your car: A heavy blanket or quilt, hand & feet warmers, snacks & water, a first aid kit, flashlight with extra batteries, candles, hand sanitizer and a transistor radio.

A list of emergency contacts including your doctor, your insurance policy and the policy number. A list of medical conditions you may have such as asthma and what drugs are prescribed for the condition. A list of all prescripitions you are taking and the dosage including any OTC products and herbal products, vitamins, etc.. These are always helpful in case you are unable to respond to help.

One never knows what might be just around the corner so be prepared!!!!!